por Rafael Ventura | Oct 20, 2020 | news
The reduction of the environmental impact of F-gases through the development and implementation of Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) is the main objective of the KET4F-Gas project. Thus, an online tool was developed, in four different languages (English, French,...
por Rafael Ventura | Oct 20, 2020 | news
The environmental impact of the F-gases used as refrigerants in the cooling industry deserves special attention. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has established a standardized classification of GHGs, categorized by the sectors and particular...
por Rafael Ventura | Oct 20, 2020 | news
Back in the 1990s, when we often heard about the hole in the ozone layer instead of concepts such as climate change or energy transition, it was decided the phasing-out of substances that were damaging the ozonosphere. This was when fluorinated greenhouse gases...
por G.ket4f-gas.N | Dic 16, 2019 | news
Un congreso reúne en Santiago a estudiosos de distintos países para analizar cuestiones como la economía circular o el turismo sostenible. Santiago de Compostela, 14 May. (Europa Press) Más información.
por G.ket4f-gas.N | May 17, 2019 | news
FCT coordena projeto para reduzir impacto ambiental de gases fluorados com 1,7 milhões de euros Reduzir o impacto ambiental de gases fluorados através do desenvolvimento e implementação de Tecnologias Facilitadoras Essenciais é o principal objetivo do projeto...
por G.ket4f-gas.N | May 13, 2019 | news
Denuncian la gestión irregular de refrigeradores en varios países europeos Varias organizaciones aseguran que en países como Alemania, Finlandia, Grecia o Suecia se tratan de forma inadecuada los aparatos de refrigeración, lo que conlleva emisiones de CFC, con un...